One of the best places that you should not miss during your trip to Israel is the fascinating Dead Sea. It is best to stay at the Dead Sea for some days so that you can enjoy its mind-blowing benefits and its unique natural spa
Israel’s desert is vast and beautiful, and mostly empty. That makes it a perfect place to go if you
Desert Olive Farm // Map – Site – FacebookHere you can experience the Negev desert in a native American style, in addition to
Mitzpeh Ramon is located in the center of the Negev Highlands on the edge of the Ramon Crater just
What to do on the brand new beach that was recently given back to the public? If it’s your
Is this the best way to experience Israel’s nature? So it turns out Glamping is a thing. You might
We know you came to Israel for the beach. It’s true – we’ve got the best beaches. They’re beautiful
Whenever an Israeli goes to Eilat (for vacation, no one here goes there to meet some friends), they run
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