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The most beautiful and virgin beach in Eilat

What to do on the brand new beach that was recently given back to the public?

If it’s your first time in Israel, you must have been to Tel-Aviv. And if you’ve been to Tel-Aviv, you probably spent a lot of time admiring the beaches and the ocean. It’s well known amongst Israelis, though, that the most beautiful beaches are in Eilat. The only reason not to prefer them is that Eilat is hella far away from, well, pretty much everything else. If you are planning to swing by the southernmost city of hotels, there’s one beach you shouldn’t miss.

beach in Eilat

While Eilat has many beaches, all of them gorgeous, one stands apart from the crowd – the EAPC beach. EAPC (short for “Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Company”) used to own this entire area and kept it closed to the public for 50 years. That changed a few years ago, and now this beach is presented to all in pristine condition.

The beach is considered the most beautiful and virgin beach in Eilat – all 500 meters of its coastline. 300 meters are given directly to the public, and the other 200 were given to Eilat’s municipality as an ecological beach for preservation. This place was closed for so long mostly means that what you can find underwater is a marine treasure. If you’re into diving (be it scuba or just snorkeling for now), this is the place to go right now. The reef is unharmed, and hundreds of colorful fish paint the entire underwater scene.

The red sea is known for its clear waters and wonderful reefs, but none of the other beaches is as preserved and diverse in its views as of this. The beach itself is a little less crowded, too. You won’t find a whole lot to do here besides spent time in the ocean, but in a place like this – what more do you actually need? If you get the urge to go deeper – head over to the dolphin’s reef and get yourself a diving star to see the new reef from up-close.

beach in Eilat

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