Welcome to Jerusalem! Often referred to as the ‘eternal city’ and a place of immense spiritual importance, this vibrant
Welcome to Jerusalem! Often referred to as the ‘eternal city’ and a place of immense spiritual importance, this vibrant
Introduction Jerusalem is not only the capital of Israel. It is also among the most popular cities in the
If you love Elvis and you are planning to visit Israel, you must go to this place! This unique
There’s not a lot of haggling going on in Israel, but if you’re looking for some bargains, we’ve set
We know that at first sight, Jerusalem can seem a bit threatening. The streets tend to be crowded; it
Indeed, Jerusalem isn’t exactly world-renowned for its nightlife. Being very holy, ancient, and filled with Hasidic Jews. But the
Despite many efforts (mostly from religious parties), Jerusalem is slowly becoming more modern, up to date with the world.
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