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The secret beach of the Dead Sea – Metzoke Dragot beach

On the northern part of the Dead Sea there is a less known undeclared beach – Dragot Cliffs Beach, also known by visitors as a Shanti Beach.

In this pristine beach you will find diverse population – some nude hippies, few tourists, families, Palestinians. There is no sun loungers, shady areas or any other beach facilities so be sure to bring everything you need with you.
It is recommended to arrive early in the morning or after 17:00 because of the heavy heat and of course to bring plenty of drinking water.

In the middle of the beach, in a part covered with trees and shrubs, there is a fresh water spring that will allow you to wash down the salt from the sea and to freshen up. You also will find here sinkholes that filled with sea water .The beach is absolutely charming and so authentic.
There is a lot of visitors who choose to stay here a few days – to sleep in a tent and enjoy the sea in the morning and the stars in the night with a beautiful views of Jordan on the opposite side.

The beach can be reached with a 4×4 vehicle or
by foot from the main road ( about 10 minutes ). You have to navigate to “Metsoke Dragot Junction” and park right after the military checkpoint, then cross the road and go down on foot.
The place is not accessible to people with disabilities and is not suitable for families with children or pregnant women.


Where to stay?

“Dragot Cliffs” or “Metzoke Dragot Travelers Village” located on a cliff overlooking the Dead Sea fifteen minute drive away from the beach.
You can also sleep in Ein Gedi within a 25-minute drive near the nature reserve at the Ein Gedi Hotel or at the Ein Gedi Khan where you can sleep in an air-conditioned tent, an upgraded Volkswagen van converted into a caravan.

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Ein Gedi Hotel Facebook Page

Ein Gedi khan

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