You can’t walk through Tel Aviv and not notice the crazy amounts of graffiti the city covers. It can be simply writing on the side of a building or elaborate, colorful paintings covering an entire wall. Graffiti is a part of Tel-Aviv’s essence and character. If you start looking closely, you’ll see recurring characters, familiar signatures, and even conversations between two competing artists. It’s not only drawings, though; many poets spread their words on walls, doors, and pavements. A great way to get to know them inside the city is to take a graffiti tour of Tel Aviv.
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You can, of course, walk around and enjoy the art popping up around you, but it makes a lot of difference when there’s someone there to explain to you what you’re actually looking at. There are many graffiti tours in Tel-Aviv, but the best ones take place in Florentine. Over the last few years, Florentine (a street name that refers to the entire neighborhood surrounding it), has attracted many young artists and bohemians. The prices began to soar, and many people claim the place has become so gentrified that it’s lost its original feel. Nevertheless, this is the perfect place to enjoy a tour. The streets are filled with paintings, wall to wall. Many artists became so well recognized that local businesses commissioned them to paint the exterior or interiors of their bar, restaurant, or galleries.
One of the more interesting tours you can go on is a night graffiti tour. Equipped with flashlights, you’ll walk between the hidden and most impressive drawings in the neighborhood, the ones with the best stories behind them. Usually, the artists prefer to remain anonymous (it’s part of the anti-establishment outlook many possess), but you can find some tours which are guided by a graffiti artist. There are even some tours that include a graffiti workshop so that you can join the not so legal art movement. Learn about the different techniques, history, and culture that created the unique style of Tel-Aviv.
The best thing about going on a graffiti tour in Tel Aviv (besides getting to know areas and places that tourists tend to miss) is that you get to see the city differently afterward. The graffiti pops out of every wall, the names are familiar, and it’s like constantly walking through an ever-changing art gallery. This is recommended to art fans and basically anyone who wishes to get to know a different, fascinating side of the city.
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