You come to a country for the views, for the culture, for the food, to get away from home. But when I come to Israel, it’s also (not only, but, you know, also) for the men.
It’s hard to explain, but oh my, is dating an Israeli man a fun experience to be had. If you’re not really the type to go on a vacation and hook up, let me give you a few pointers, But first:
Why are they so great?
Well, to talk merely of appearance would be superficial and also completely subjective.
But from a few conversations with more than a few friends I met here, it’s a consensus – Israel men are hot! Maybe it’s the mix of cultures in their blood; maybe I like them dark and rugged.
Something there works. Aside from that, They’re just really involved. It begins in politics (everyone here has a strong opinion about everything) and ends in just about every aspect of life. They care deeply about things and are enthusiastic about them.
Maybe that’s what the army’s doing – either making you a hardened warrior or makes you question and doubt everything around you. Bottom line – they appear to be deeper than your average college idiot.
And men in Tel-Aviv? It’s like everything I’ve talked about, plus being very liberated and open. Oh, you like guys AND girls? That’s cool. Have a dark secret? Who doesn’t? Everything seems to be just OK for them.
How do I do it?
So you want to hook up or even find someone special. So now’s the easy part. Have a drink. I’m not suggesting that you buy one.
Go to a bar in Allenby (It’s loaded with dozens), or actually anywhere in the city (but trust me, Allenby’s your safest bet), sit down, and wait.
I guarantee that in a matter of minutes, you’ll be flocked by men buying you drinks, asking where you’re from. See, they can spot non-Israelis from miles away, and it turns out that’s a huge turn-on! Not interested? Just say so.
For the most part, they’ll say “oh, well” and move on—plenty of fish on the sea. If there’s a problem, talk to the bartender, they’re a lifesaver around here.
Now what?
Now, obviously, you do whatever you want. Tel-Aviv is known as a city of much much sex, and it’s true: hooking up is normal, and it’s everywhere and all the time.
But in general, I would say most Israeli men I met are looking to get serious fast. Israel has a lot of pressure on young people to get married and have children, and the people here put family above all other values.
So if you’re not into the whole married-with-kids plan, be on the lookout.